One of my friend’s birthdays is coming up and I get very excited to buy, wrap and give presents to other people. Is this strange?

I have budgeted all of the money I will have in the run up to Christmas because I want to be able to spend money on other people.

I love giving people presents more than I love receiving them. I would be fine if I got no Christmas presents from anyone and as long I have given good presents to at least 5-6 people, I would be fine. I genuinely don’t care if I just got cards or not even cards because I know that I have made other people feel like they have been thought about and made them happy and I know it sounds cheesy and fake but that happiness I gain from it is a present in itself. Is this weird?!

I know a lot of people won’t believe me but it is 100% true- I get so excited to buy and give presents and I don’t really know why. I always spend my own money so I guess I feel kind of grown up but I love buying the presents and keeping everything a secret.

Comment if you feel the same or if you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.


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